Sunday, March 25, 2007

Life sucks ass. It's been a while.
Chris and I broke up. He got mad and dumped me over something stupid. I honestly new that he didn't mean anything he was saying, I just used his over reaction as an excuse to break up. I'm alone.
I have started hanging out with Sarah who used to be my best friend in 10th grade. She is a fucked up girl just like me. I think that's why we get along so well. I'm also "talking" to this kid Charlie. He is very smart but he's stupid at the same time. He's all about, I do what I want...I'ma free spirit. What the hell. We all do what we want and what we have to. This kid hasn't had a rough day in his life and thinks he's kind of a badass. I happen to like him alot though. He is intimidating and not many people are in my eyes.
I miss Chris more than words can describe. I think about him at the worst possible time unless I'm drunk.....which means that I have been drunk alot.

List of things to do:
Go on a diet
Stick to the diet
Stop drinking and smoking so much
Stop being an asshole all of the time
Do better in school
Talk to my parents more
Work out or walk

I'm pathetic. And I am an asshole here lately. MY house is trashed and I've been up since 7:30 cleaning. No one helped...surprise surprise
I've been getting in alot of arguments lately. I need more guy friends. Jodi Hayes is still a slut. She is going to MTSU and has a nose ring, tatoo, and a 30 year old boyfriend.Same ol' Jodi.
I'm behind in school and I am disapointing myself on a daily basis.My love for alcohol and surrounding myself with people has taken over. I have been surrounding myself so that I won't be so sad. I hate not knowing what will happen. ahhhhhhh

Sunday, May 28, 2006

there is something wrong with me.

hello fellow bloggers. i haven't written in a million years. i am in an airport in miami fl . i was in jamaica then we came here to catch our flight home. this is our second fuckin day waiting on a plane. our flight from jamaica was delayed which made us miss our flight to nashville. they put us in a friggin nasty hotel and told us to come today for a flight at 12. guess what. they cancelled our fuckin flight. so now we have been here for over 24 hours. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

jamaica was fun though. i drank a good bit. i went w/ my friend jodi h. and it was awesome. we met these guys- dustin and scott. scott happened to be hot wich ment jodi thought he wasn't. she went fo dustin who happens to look like her ex- youth minister. ha! ne way scott was awesome. it would be awesome to got to georgia and see them. we had a blast. i wish we were still there:(

i miss chris. we leave tomorrow for gatlinburg. i'm excited. i bought some rum and ameretto for the trip. jodi k. and donald ( her retarded boyfriend) are going with us. I'm not sharing my alcohol with them. heehee.

ok, scott really was hot. it was in a dorky way. what is wrong with me? i meet a guy in jamaica for like two days and i keep replaying the crap that happened (nuthin bad, just fun stuff) and i'm just smile. maybe i'm not used to having a guy to laugh with. chris and i don't really have much to talk about anymore let alone laugh about. maybe i'm just crazy because i'm so tired. yea.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

After Christmas

Christmas was great. I got everyone everything I wanted to get them.

A while lot
Mom handles that
A T.V.
San Andreas
Some movies
50 $ Gift Thing

And alot of stuff for everyone else. I got a bunch of clothes and some movies and Chris got me a RING!!!!!!!!!
It wasn't an engagement ring but it is beautiful and I love it so much.

My birthday was Dec. 31. It was so much fun. We went to Olive Garden but there was a 2 hour wait so we went to Chile's and it was soooooo good. The we went to see a movie. We saw King Kong. It was really good. It made me cry though. The friggin monkey dies. Ugh

Anyway I just thought I'd write since I haven't in a while. Bye - Humdrum Hppie

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Spider Solitaire

Oh Christmas tree Oh Christmas tree your leaves are so unchanging.
This is the song that is in my head. ha. I love it. Christmas is great. We already put up our tree and it is the most beautiful tree ever.

I feel bad for the people that don't have a tree. Could you imagine Christmas without it? I don't think I could.

My Christmas list:


1.Grill light holder things
2.grand theft auto : san andreas
3.3 shirts
4. 100$ food credit card thing that mom made me get
5. decorations to turn his room into sant's workshop
6. 20' flatscreen
7. maybe a vcr

1. a sweater
2. flannel pj's with cute dogs on them
3. a mom necklace that she'll never wear
4.a dvd for her stocking
5. some sort of little piddly things for her stocking

1. dvd for his stocking
2. a cordless phone that is easy to use and doesn't have much technology
3. some other things that i haven't thought about yet
4. probably some chocolate or food of some sort

1 jessica simpson lip gloss (every flavor)
2. Some of the body spray too
(she really likes jessica simpson things)

I don't usually handle Gin's things. Mom got her something from me. If it were up to me I would buy her a dorothy dress that looks as close to the movie as possible and the red slippers.

We are going shopping for our Christmas present

1. a fake cell phone
2. something very manly and fun like star wars dolls

1. a pink sequin purse thing with a barbie inside

1. a tigger outfit
2. something really cute

I think that is all. I haven't even made a good dent in the list yet. I love Christmas but I wish that no one gave gifts.

I played spider solitaire earlier and won. I really like that game.
I will be 18 in 18 days. woooooooooo. I want to go in a place that would never sell me cigs and get some. ooooo, and i want to got to a club for a minute. And i want to sit in a bar. and i want to go sit in a strip joint. ooo, and stay out all night without mom or dad calling alot.


anyway. today is my moms birthday. she is 49. i'm not. i got her a cracker barrel gift card. that is her fav. place to eat. It's ok. i like the blueberry pancakes.
i have to go now.

humdrum hippie

Thursday, December 08, 2005

bru haha

I am having a good day. I don't know why but i'm in a great mood. LALALALa anyway..... i am also bored. I have nothing to do. I have read every book I own, more than once.
Chris is late coming back from lunch. I was hoping Chris would go home before he went to school. I can't say why because Tracey wants to read this and it isn't the type of gossip I like to spred.
I am tired of typing already and I'm bored. Bye

Monday, December 05, 2005


I love Christmas. Not because of the gifts, but because of the vibe. Right before Christmas everyone is tense and grumpy but as soon as that day comes everyone is happy and cheerful.

The only problem this Christmas is I don't have enough money to get everyone everything I would like to.
Chris, for example, won't tell me what he wants, so i'm getting him what I want him to have. I know the things that he would like to have but doesn't need them. He doesn't seem to like other people buying him things. I on the other hand love to buy things for the people I love. I just wish I knew the perfect thing to get him.
I wonder what he will get me. Last year he didn't give me anything for Christmas. I wasn't mad or anything... I mean there isn't like an unwritten law saying you have to get you girlfriend something for Christmas but it did hurt my feelings a bit. I wish he would ask me to marry him. I know he won't but I play it over and over in my head. We give each other our gifts and we laugh and smile and love what we got, but then all of a sudden he says "close your eyes" and of course, I do. The I open my eyes after about a minute and he is on his knee with an open box in his hand smiling. Then he asks me to marry him and i say yes and we live happily ever after until our wedding when it gets better then our honeymoon (even better) then our lives together which will be great and our children and our home and everything us. amen.
-humdrum hippie

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I am so tired. My mom got a stomach virus while we were in Orlando. Now I have it. Isn't life great? It wouldn't be so bad if I weren't at work and if my boyfriend didn't work here. As soon as you walk into the office section you can tell that someone has the runs. lol...But that's just my bad luck. Wierd things are always happening to me. Oh well. Anyway, like I said in the previous blog, I had a great time. I love disney world. I will never be to old for it.
I still haven't figured out what i'm gettin people for Christmas. Well, I really need to go!!! bye!