Tuesday, November 15, 2005


OMG.............Someone commented on my blog thing. I am so Friggin ecxited. I love this crap. I wonder who it was. MAle/Female.....Actually I don't care. someone likes my blog...someone likes my blog. Anyway. This weekend I hung out with my sis Christie. WE got shitfaced at her friends house. It was fun but at this same time it was like a huge hell fest. I never drink (except for special occasions). Ha, like the time we went to maryland to my family's house and I got drunk and told them about my parents sex life. ( they always do it on sunday) ugh...anyway, Sat. morning my mom wanted to get a family photo so, of course, we did. then I went home and made thanksgiving dinner for Chris (boyfriend) and myself. I won't be here on thanksgiving so.... Then on Sun. we went to Jackson and i bought the cutest shirts. There is one that looks like it was ran over a train or something and the other is green with and over thingy. I love them.

I am going to make a Christmas list on here later because if I don't write it down I won't remember. Maybe this afternoon.

By the way I didn't stop smoking.

And whoever commented me...Thanks alot and you should email me ... o and if you understand the whole blog thing and how to read other people's just let me know. Thanks again.


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